Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday Twosome: December 4, 2007

Winter Wonderland

1. What two things do you “have” to wear when it is chilly/cold outside?

warm socks & a sweater

2. What are two good things about wintry weather?
i'm going to have to refer back to when i lived in Connecticut to answer this one. we don't really get Winter here in Florida. but wintry weather back in New England is beautiful to look at & good for being snuggly.

3. What two things do you really dislike about wintry weather?
stepping unexpectedly into slush puddles so it comes pouring into your shoe & driving on ice.

4. On average, how cold does it get in your city/town and how long does the cold weather last?
here in Florida it gets down into the lower s40s & 30s for a few weeks. we'll probably even get frost once or twice when it dips into the upper 20s. it feels colder than that down here for some reason though. i don't know if it's the extra humidity in the air or if it's just that we're used to it being so much warmer. it doesn't last long though. mid-January til the end of February at the most.

5. Would you rather be stuck at home because of a blizzard or flooding?
blizzard. it's cozy. outside looks so peaceful. i've been stuck at home because of a blizzard before. flooding does not sound fun at all.


1. Are you almost finished with your holiday shopping or you haven’t started yet?

i've started. i'm not quite done yet, but i do know exactly what i need to get.

2. What do the holidays mean to you? How does this affect how you celebrate the holidays?
being that i was raised Christian, i believe in the real reason we celebrate Christmas. we celebrate the birth of Christ. that means i go to Advent services & be sure to remember the story of The First Christmas & the gift i was given.

3. Are you going away for the holidays or staying home?
going to California to spend Christmas at my other home. =)

4. What two things do you like about this time of year?
midweek Advent services & the way that people can so much nicer to each other in the spirit of Christmas.

5. What two things do you dislike about this time of year?
the fact that commercialism has caused Christmas to arrive in the retail industry earlier every year & the way all the holiday stress can also bring out the worst in people as well as the best.

1 with their own thoughts:

kreed Wednesday, December 05, 2007 10:27:00 PM  

yeah...Christmas before Halloween really freaks me out. And the south does have colder cold...the humidity always seemed to send the cold directly into my bones. 30 degrees below in Laramie, WY never seemed quite as miserable as 20 degrees in Memphis. go figure...

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