Thursday, June 5, 2008


a few weeks ago, A Daily Trinity of Thanks tagged me to share "10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself."

1. a confession: i get very irritable & impatient when i am hungry. snappy even. i know, you're shocked, but it's the not-so-pretty truth. when i get hungry, i need to eat quickly. the longer i wait, the grouchier i get, and it's like a snowball rolling downhill with ever-increasing speed. however, once that first bite of food hits my mouth, i am immediately restored to my normal self.

2. recurring thought: i believe i have mentioned before that i have considered changing the title to my blog. the title reflects where i was, mentally & emotionally, at the time i started blogging. i've since moved forward, evolved... and i'm just not in the same place anymore. a couple of titles i have contemplated are "waiting for my real life to begin" and "are we there yet?" i just can't seem to make the switch. i feel like people (all six of you) know me as "the broken road" now...

3. pet peeve: when a turn lane opens up, and you plan to turn, i think you should get into as soon as possible. that should prevent you from cutting me off when i am already in it & you swerve in at the very last second -- without using your signal, i might add -- and nearly clipping me. additionally, do not shoot me a dirty look in your rear view mirror when you do this & find that i am practically in your backseat. *i* was already in the lane!

4. random: i have had that stupid Subway slogan stuck in my head for two days now. "five dollar foot looooooooong." ARG!

5. aversion: some people get freaked out by the number 13. it doesn't bother me. but i *will* avoid the number comprised of three sixes (see? i won't even type it here in reference to it!) at all costs! it totally creeps me out.

6. on my mind: i am really missing my Gram lately. i keep having random memory flashes of my childhood & Summer vacations spent playing at her house. i wish i could just sit in her kitchen one more time, watching her buzz about. enjoy just one more of her meals. sit & talk with her for a while. hear her voice calling me her "sweet bug"...

7. fun fact: i am a list-maker. i can usually be found to have a minimum of a half dozen various lists in my possession at any time.

8. vulnerability: i recently came to a realization about myself. a past living situation -- and lots of negative commentary & hurtful criticism -- has really done a number on my confidence when it comes to sharing my cooking with anyone. i almost always enjoy what i make (the random new recipe attempted & rejected aside) but the thought of cooking for someone terrifies me because i no longer trust my abilities.

9. pet peeve, round two: i am not a very easily offended person. but something that really rubs me the wrong way are churches that camp out at intersections with buckets, walking up & down between the cars stopped at the light, looking for contributions. correct me if i'm wrong but isn't that why you take up offering on Sunday morning? and furthermore, how do i even know you are part of a legitimate church?? how hard is it to slap a label on a white bucket, claiming to be a church? i give my offering to my own church and i can safely say we've never sent members out to intersections to hit up the public for cash.

10. quirk: if i have several food items on my plate for a meal, i usually save a bite of my favorite thing to eat last for one last moment of enjoyment. i've done this for as long as i can remember.

i know you're supposed to tag more people to participate but i never do. if you feel compelled to play along, consider yourself tagged!

11 with their own thoughts:

mimiscraps Thursday, June 05, 2008 10:08:00 PM  

I like the "are we there yet!?" Although I've known you as this one for along time too. I thought about changing mine too since it's not just about me! LOL! Carl is the same way about food! LOL!

Nichole M Thursday, June 05, 2008 11:52:00 PM  

I like "are we there yet?" too. It's the phrase I use all the time when I'm waiting for a case to start. Usually makes people laugh. If you changed, I'd have something else pleasant to associate that phrase with! I've always thought of you as daybreak, if it helps.

I'm with you on the hungry thing. Look. Out.

Ingrid Friday, June 06, 2008 2:13:00 AM  

Oh gosh. "Five....FIVE....FIVE DOLLAR FOOT LOOOONG!!!!"

Thanks a LOT!

Debi Friday, June 06, 2008 7:01:00 AM  

#7-Did you know that you're the person who finally made me realize that my list-making obsession was not really so bizarre as I had once thought? A long time back, I wrote a post delineating all my weird list making habits, including my habit of making a list of the lists I needed to make. Did you act like I was a headcase? Heck, no! You pointed out all the "good" things about this obsession and let me know I wasn't alone. Ever since, I've stopped worrying about "my little problem"! :)

#10-I do the same thing! Well, I usually save more than a bite of it for last, but same idea. I love anticipation!

Anonymous,  Friday, June 06, 2008 7:11:00 AM  

Holy crap, I too have had that annoying subway jingle stuck in my head!
Oh and that must be a FLORIDA thing with people standing out with a bucket to collect...I JUST commented on that when we were there a few weeks ago!
oH i like both titles..I say make the change for sure! :-) we will all still come to visit!

k Friday, June 06, 2008 8:56:00 AM  

I love this list...I like the blog name "Are we there yet?" too, I'm with ya' on the pet peeves - wow I can't believe a church is asking for money on the streets down there...never seen that -but I believe it.

I'm missing my gram a lot too - I often have thoughts how I wish I could go to her house one more time etc. I understand!!!

k Friday, June 06, 2008 8:57:00 AM  

Oh yeah - and you have way MORE than 6 people who visit your blog...

Janet Friday, June 06, 2008 10:30:00 AM  

I changed the title of my blog...albeit only the last word LOL (from elves to snape). Confused people for awhile, but they got used to it.

Can I make a suggestion for your potential new blog name? How about "Sweetbug" or something that has a positive connotation to you?

If someone criticized your cooking, it was obviously because that person has a problem or two. Your recipes sound good to me.

Heather Friday, June 06, 2008 10:56:00 AM  

i have seen the hunger thing and it is not pretty at all!

screw you know who...i love your cooking and you can cook for me whenever...granted that means it would have to be the next time i am down b/c you cannot cook when you are "vacationing" here...unless you want to!

Mom Friday, June 06, 2008 12:00:00 PM  

I am a list maker too! I live by them! Have a great weekend, you may see this list again on my blog!

Julie Sunday, June 08, 2008 7:14:00 PM  

LOL Chele's Mom and I were just talking about #10 on Mother's day.
I am also a victim to the subway jingle!! :(

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