Wednesday, December 14, 2005

still catching up

more memes i wanted to do but didn't have time...

Monday Madness

It’s that time of the week again! Enjoy! =)
Fill in the blank.

1. I have little or no patience when it comes to insincerity.
2. I wish I could spend more time with my god daughter.
3. The most productive thing I accomplished this past weekend was (ha!) packing up the whole house for the move !
4. The most enjoyable thing I did this weekend was snuggle.
5. I’ve always wanted to learn how to take better photos.
6. If money wasn’t an issue, I’d buy lots of stuff for the new house.
7. I blog because i like to!


More fill-in-the-blanks this week! Thank you for playing Monday Madness! (Invite your friends to play along...) Also, check out the featured sites! (over to the right) I thought we'd include a few more... It could be YOU next week!

1. I've always been afraid of needles--the kind at the dr's ofice, not the kind you sew with.
2. People should not talk on cell phones while sitting in church--which incidentally i saw happen last Easter Sunday.
3. The one thing I look forward to every day is my good morning email.
4. My first meal of the day usually consists of chocolate chip mini muffins & a glass of cranberry juice.
5. It seems like laundry is a never-ending job.
6. The last time I painted a room in my house/apartment was never ever.
7. The next time I paint, I'd like to paint my new master bathroom(room) a shade of blue in some accenting areas (color).


This week’s questions are all about moving… Have fun, and thank you so much for playing! =)

LOL how appropriate huh?!

1. When is the last time you moved? LOL 2 days ago!

2. How many times in your life have you moved? 5

3. In your opinion, what is the worst thing about moving? is there something GOOD about moving??! i hate it all. i guess it would be the packing part...or the obnoxious sound of the packing tape gun.

4. What is the most exciting thing about moving? when it's DONE

5. If you’ve lived in the same place all your life, do you plan to move in the future? i haven't lived in the same place but since i am in temporary housing at the moment awaiting the completion of my new house, i KNOW i am moving again!

6. Do you WANT to move somewhere else; if so, where? every time i move, i say i am NEVER moving again. but i do know that i want to move just once more: into the new house.

1 with their own thoughts:

Apostle John Friday, December 16, 2005 12:15:00 AM  

I hate those cell phones also -- one went off a few Sundays ago right during the sermon. It happens -- but this lady actually pulled it out and said, "Hello?"

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