Wednesday, September 28, 2005

so i'm a day late & a dollar short

what else is new?! LOL

i know if i don't find something to say here i'm going to hear about it from certain people who check here frequently ;-) so i'm doing the meme thing this morning. hey a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do!!

sponsored by: Monday Madness

1. Ice cream or Yogurt? ice cream...although there's a flavor of store brand frozen yogurt that i have been loving lately: Road Runner Raspeberry--vanilla frozen yougurt with a raspberry ribbon & tiny raspberry-filled chocolate cups. yum.

2. What’s your favorite board game? Monopoly

3. Do you play video games? If yes, what game system(s) do you use? nope. the last game system i had was the original Nintendo--and about 4 games lol: Super Mario Brothers, Donkey Kong's Son, Burger Time & some other game i can't remember the name of right now.

4. If you were given a chance to change your name, would you do it? If yes, what would your new name be? well my dad always wanted to name me Megan & growing up i used to wish that he had. i still like Megan better than Dawn but i've gotten rather used to Dawn now so...i think i'll just stick with it. ;-)

5. What are the last 2 blogs that you’ve visited? Stacy: Exceedingly Mundane and Lisa: Mommy Musings

6. What’s your biggest frustration? how about my biggest frustration at work: WHEN WILL SOMEONE FINALLY GRASP THE CONCEPT OF HOW VACATION TIME WORKS?! we have only been discussing this for...oh i don't know...6 months now!! how hard is this?! you earn your time for next year based on the hours you work this year and you must use it by your next anniversary or you lose the time--it does not roll over. *sigh*
courtesy of Tuesday Twosome

What are the last two…

1. TV shows you watched? Monday Night Football and last night's Sex & the City reruns on TBS

2. household chores you finished? clean the kitchen & wash a load of towels (can't say dried 'em--Ken did that lol)

3. food items you ate? classic single (with cheese, no onion) from Wendy's & some Pringles which you know had to be shared with the pup lol

4. websites (before here) you visited? National Hurricane Center/Tropical Prediction Center (sorry--i'm a geek. if you're just figuring this out then you obviously also just joined the program & you're late so you've got no one to blame but yourself LOL. either that or you seriously don't pay attention. i digress. as usual.) and Two Peas

5. things you do before you go to sleep? check my email & brush my teeth

2 with their own thoughts:

Beefy Wednesday, September 28, 2005 9:42:00 AM  

Man, you're stretching, aren't you?

C'mon girl, get with the week 4 picks! I need to know how bad I'm going to crush you this week lol.

k Wednesday, September 28, 2005 10:20:00 AM  

Oh - I loved that game BURGER TIME -I forgot about it!!

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