Friday, November 18, 2011

Down for the count.

I have no idea what form of virus I am battling, but I feel yuck. It started Tuesday with a throat that wasn't even enough to call sore, just a little scratchy feeling that would come and go, so I started Zicam-ing myself. On Wednesday, it was mostly gone, and I felt fine--I thought my immune system had won! go me!--until about three in the afternoon, at which point I hit a wall. I was sleepy driving home but I made myself walk with T, as per our usual routine, hoping it would perk me up. It had the opposite effect. I was so wiped out by the time we finished that I sat on the couch and stared on my shoes, trying to will myself the energy to untie them. I sat on the couch, staring vacantly at the television. I had zero appetite and couldn't imagine even summoning the ambition to move a fork from a plate to my mouth and then chewing anyway. I was nauseated for about twenty minutes, but nothing happened and it went away. Then a spiked a mid-grade fever for about a half hour. I felt it break with a giant shiver. My energy came back slightly but no appetite. I went to bed early. On Thursday, I blew my nose a couple of times and my throat felt like I had been yelling at a sporting event for hours--raspy but it didn't hurt. I thought I was going to get away with a couple of mild symptoms. Until today. At roughly 10am, all heck broke loose in my head. I went through an entire box of Puffs in five hours. My head never hurt but I felt like poo. So, on my way home, I stopped at the drugstore for a DayQuil/NyQuil pack ( liquid death flavor for me!). I plan to DayQuil myself until an appropriate bedtime, at which point I will dose myself up with NyQuil and see you in a couple of days.


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