Monday Stream of Consciousness: May 10, 2010
It's not the first time I've mentioned it or ranted about it, but *what* is the deal with people not using their turn signals?! Is it to difficult to turn them on? Is there something un-cool about using them? Do they feel the rules of the road just do not apply to them? Do they possess telepathic powers that alert them when other cars are turning or changing lanes, thus forgetting that the rest of us mere mortals need an indication when these driving maneuvers are about to occur? Because seriously. SERIOUSLY. Just use them, people. And if you are one of those drivers who doesn't? You're darn right I'm looking at you. While on the topic of the car. I consider my trip between work and home to be a bridge. Whatever took place during my workday needs to be left behind so that it doesn't carry over to my evening. The best way for me to do that is to turn up the radio and just sing. It clears my head. It's probably a good thing I don't carpool though. That would be enough to ruin the evenings of anyone subjected to my singing. While I was making my way home, I passed two little old people, sitting in the shade of a tree in their lawn chairs, holding hands & just watching the traffic go by. It made me smile. Today's stream of consciousness brought to you by my commute.
4 with their own thoughts:
Oh I am SO with you on the turn signal thing...just this morning I was behind a mini-van who was apparently unable to use their's one thing if NO ONE is behind you, but a whole 'nother thing when there is a whole slew of traffic coming. Makes me (often) wish I drove a junker so I could just rear end them for not signaling.
you just reminded me... on sunday when i went to get a coffee, there was an older couple beside me and when the server brought out their coffees, they picked up their mugs and did a "cheers". it really made my morning. i hope to always remain thankful for everyday, just like they seemed to be. :)
Samantha: That is exactly the attitude I hope to make "second nature" for myself. =)
ya know, sometimes i think that attitude *is* second nature for me, but then i am soooo easily swayed by negativity in my life. so maybe that doesn't make it "second nature" but i still think without outside influence, i am quite thankful! (does that even make sense?)
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