Sunday, May 9, 2010

20 Questions: May 9, 2010

1. Fiction or non-fiction?
I enjoy both, as long as the reading isn't textbook-dry.

2. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
About six & a half.

3. What does it take for you to be happy?
Ultimately, it requires "only" the following: being warm, dry, fed, safe & loved. Additionally, I find that when I go to church regularly & don't stretch my personal time so thin with plans that I allow no down-time to recharge, that I "like" myself much better and have a much more positive attitude, which also contributes to my happiness.

4. What is your birthstone?
Opal and Pink Tourmaline are both birthstones for October.

5. If you could relive a year in your life, what age would it be, and why?
Just one...? Wow. I'm going to go with...1993, when I was 16-17. Although I could really do without reliving high school, I think I'd like to go back to a time when I didn't have adult responsibilities looming over my head, but I was old enough to truly appreciate my grandparents. I'd go back, take more photos, ask more questions, record more stories. And be wise enough to soak it all in while I had the chance.

6. Go back to three different ages and give yourself some advice.
Age 13: You don't have to be so shy. Turns out there are some people who are pretty awesome & just as tentative as you are. You don't have to talk to everyone, but keep your eye out for the other kids who are pretty quiet too.
Age 23: You're going to survive. You don't think you will and it hurts a lot, but this really is for the best. Someday, you're going to like the strong woman this helped you to be.
Age 26: Listen to your gut. It isn't wrong & deep down, you know it.

7. What sort of people do you think read your blog?
Those who love me & those who are very bored. ;-)

8. Which Olympics do you enjoy more: Summer or Winter?
Winter. The Summer sports just do not hold my attention for some reason.

9. Do you use profanity?
Very rarely will you hear anything worse than *ss or *itch come out of my mouth. If you do, stand clear.

10. What is your opinion of snow?
It's beautiful. Especially from many many miles away, where you do not have to shovel it or drive in it. It's also very pretty from the other side of a window, where I am warm & cozy. I love to go out in it for just a bit, when it's fresh & pristine, and I love it over the holidays, but other than that? I have no use for it.

11. Do you know which was is east, right now?
Uhhh... sorta?

12. When is the first time you can recall being proud of yourself?
I was maybe eleven years old (?) and I was able to put a baby to sleep that no one else was able to.

13. Do you carve a pumpkin for Halloween?
I did a few times, when I lived up north, but never down here. Too hot, it would never last.

14. When you are getting ready to leave your home, what are three things you always do?
Make sure the lights are off (or strategically left on, if necessary), that everything that needs to be unplugged has been, and that no candles are burning.

15. Can you whistle?
A little tune. But not those loud get-your-attention type whistles. My Gramp used to be able to do those but I could never figure it out.

16. What is your state "known" for?
Sunshine. Walt Disney World. Old people. Beaches. Citrus. Alligators. Palm trees. Messing up elections.

17. Where were you when you learned Ronald Reagan was shot?
In my grandparents' living room. I was only about four & a half years old. I understood that something important had happened, but not really what it was or meant.

18. Have you had the chicken pox?
Oh *boy* did I. I was in eighth grade, it was a warmer than typical April and I had them from head to toe & then some. Missed two weeks of school, but because my brother brought my assignments home for me, I was able to keep up with my work & it didn't affect my graduation.

19. What is your favorite precious or semi-precious stone?
I really like rubies and garnets.

20. You need to go up two floors in a building. Do you use the stairs or the elevator?
Stairs. My legs work just fine & a little extra exercise never hurts. One exception: if I have luggage, I will use the elevator.

1 with their own thoughts:

k Wednesday, May 12, 2010 1:17:00 PM  

Busted out laughing at the "messing up elections" Bwahahahaha...I had forgot about that, until now.

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