Thursday, March 18, 2010

Memory Lane: March 18, 2010

I am.

I am her cooking and baking.

I am her sense of organization, each task with its own day.
I am her joy in decorating for each season and holiday.

I am his blue eyes, that he passed to his son, who passed them to me.

I am his appreciation for the miracle of the amazing world around me.
I am his quietness, sometimes with nothing to say, because I don't believe in talking just for the sake of breaking the silence.

I am his love of Autumn days, Red Sox baseball, taking photos, and hot apple cider.

I am the shape of his face and the smile lines around his mouth.
I am his need for everything to have a place, even when it occasionally isn't in its place, just to know that it has a home.

I am her facial features.

I am the sound of her voice.
I am her creativity

I am bits & pieces.
Parts of each of them.
Constructed into a whole.

I see them looking back at me, reflected in so many ways.

I am daughter.

I am me.

I am.

7 with their own thoughts:

Jeanne Friday, March 19, 2010 7:26:00 PM  

OMG I love this post Dawn! Well done!

jenny Saturday, March 20, 2010 12:43:00 AM  


And now I'm SURE I spend too much time on facebook b/c instead of the comment box I first looked for the "like" button. Yipes.

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