Thursday, October 1, 2009

Snapshot from Along the Broken Road: September 2009

photo of me

From SEP09

1) current candle scents:
Autumn Leaves. Mulling Spices.

2) what i am currently reading:
finishing up Faithful (Stewart O'Nan and Stephen King).

3) newest music i added my playlist:
none this month.

4) movies i saw:
Inglorious Basterds. Stardust. Love Happens.

5) something yummy i made this month:
spaghetti & meatballs. yummy.

6) the last place i ate out:
Macaroni Grill.

7) something that made me cry:
i was driving just behind a funeral procession on a Saturday morning. i'm used to the way they work down here, with a rolling sheriff's department escort. i've watched the fluid rotation of the sheriff's cars with fascination, how seamlessly they change off. but this time, instead of just waiting at an intersection, i was just behind them, and saw something i hadn't before. as the cars in the procession turn into the cemetery, the officers use their cars to block traffic from crossing the path, and they get out of their cars, standing with their hats over their hearts in respect for the grieving. something about that just got to me.

8) something that made me laugh:
Big Bang Theory. catching up on old Season One episodes. the start of new ones from Season Three. that sure rarely fails to make me laugh right out loud multiple times per episode.

9) something i looked forward to this month:
meeting Brandi!

10) something i am thankful for:
good news from people i care about. there is something to be said for sharing in the joys of loved ones.

11) something i want to remember about this month:
i actually saw the Sox win their first series in Tampa in two years!! i was pretty sure i was some kind of Curse hex or something.

12) a photo i took this month:
i took tons. i have edited *none* of them. i am a slacker. so all i have this month is a pic from my phone. i still like it though!

6 with their own thoughts:

k Thursday, October 01, 2009 12:58:00 PM  

oh i love that last photo!! adorable!!

Nichole M Thursday, October 01, 2009 8:09:00 PM  

You eat at Macaroni Grill a LOT! I ate there a few weeks ago and was *pissed* that they changed the recipe of my favorite dishes. It was so spicy with pepper I had to send it back.

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, October 01, 2009 10:17:00 PM  

K: I still can't believe it came out as well as it did on my phone. One of the few times I traveled light at WDW & they had the castle lit up white with blue accents, which I love & almost never see.

Nichole: The funniest part is that I bet I only eat out maybe twice a month tops, but it always seems that it's the *last* place I go in the month, so it's usually the answer for my snapshot post. It's close by to where I live though & also convenient to the movie theater which is where I happened to be going immediately afterward. But mostly I just cook & eat at home, so I might say Macaroni Grill two months in a row, but maybe ate there the beginning of August & the end of September, for example, so it could be almost two months between visits!

~**Dawn**~ Monday, October 05, 2009 6:24:00 AM  

Suzy: I will be sure to check it out! =)

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