Monday, May 18, 2009

20 Questions: May 18, 2009

1. What are the names of the kids you used to babysit?
wow...there were: Ryan, Kaitlin & Aaron. Ali, Lauren & Jack. Amanda. Jason & Kara. Tommy & Tori. Christina & Karen. Hailey & Hunter. and i am not sure if i'm forgetting any others (it's been more than 7 years since the most recent kids--Hailey & Hunter--and over 15 years for most of them!) and then there are the 60 or so babies that came through my care in my five years doing daycare, whose names i won't even attempt!

2. Do you prefer hot sandwiches or cold sandwiches?
it depends on the sandwich. i like an equal number of both with no obvious preference in either direction, overall. some just need to be served hot or cold (as the case may be) without exception!

3. What was the highlight of your week?
ha. my week is just starting. the highlight halfway through Monday? ummm...maybe that mini Kitkat i had just a minute ago?

4. What color shirt are you wearing?
kind of a deep garnet red i guess.

5. What was your favorite subject in school?
anything related to English or History. that stuff actually interested me. unlike math or science.

6. What do you like about Mondays?
i like when they're holidays. oh, that's not what you meant? well... i like when Mondays bring new episodes of The Big Bang Theory. is that better?

7. What are three of the most beautiful things you have ever seen?
a brand new baby. the Red Sox celebrating on the field after winning the World Series in 2004. my Gram.

8. What are three things you do not like?
Spam--neither email variety nor the food. being spoken to in a condescending manner. when i can't do anything to help someone i care about.

9. 5 things you take with you when you leave the house.
my cell phone. my planner. my iPod. my wallet. my keys.

10. What's the next important date on your calendar?
Michelle's birthday! May 24!

11. Are you moody in the morning?
no, i tend to wake up happy. or at least content. i'm quiet though. i do not like to be loud or rushed first thing in the morning. i need time to ease into being awake & starting my day.

12. When was the last time you were at a baseball game? And how many major league ball parks have you been in?
May 1 & 2! i got to see the Sox play two games at the Trop. i have been in... let's see. four MLB parks: Fenway (Boston Red Sox). The Trop (Tampa Bay Rays). Angel Stadium (Anaheim Angels). Yankee Stadium (the original one - New York Yankees).

13. Fireworks: take them or leave them?
i *love* them--if they are done well. in fact, sometimes i will trek over to Disney just for the sole purpose of seeing the fireworks. when i do NOT like them? when my moron neighbors light them off. at 11pm. in March. which is deep in the heart of our super dry season. because apparently they found a couple left over from last July 4 or New Years Eve. they are such rocket scientists.

14. What was your first thought when you woke up this morning?
does it *have* to be Monday? really? how about let's pretend it's *next* Monday & i get the day off...

15. Last thing you purchased?
groceries. ooooo. specifically: tomatoes (one regular, two plum and a package of grape tomatoes). cantaloupe. a cucumber. a bag of potatoes. three zucchini. a pint of 2% milk. some sour cream. some shredded mozzarella.

16. What is irritating you now?
the temperature. it's 67 degrees in this office right now. i wish i were exaggerating.

17. What is the last magazine you read?
Good Housekeeping. was looking for a new recipe.

18. What is the latest you've stayed up in the past week?
well, i tried to stay awake to watch the Sox play on the West Coast. the games started at 10pm though. i was pretty much done for the night halfway through the fourth innings of the games. so, 11pm-ish i think?

19. Which TV shows have you seen pretty much every episode of?
Friends. Sex & the City. Grey's Anatomy. Private Practice (this one is only two seasons old though). Fringe (i feel like i'm cheating by including this once since the first season just ended!). Mad About You. Everybody Loves Raymond. Dexter.

20. Do you feel guilty easily?
yes, and usually it's not even my fault. but i still feel guilty. i think it's a by-product of hating to disappoint people i care about.

6 with their own thoughts:

WarriorHeartGypsySoul Monday, May 18, 2009 6:34:00 PM  

Yeah, I think Mondays are great when they are holidays too!!! haha

k Tuesday, May 19, 2009 8:50:00 AM  

another great segment of 20 questions. and one in which I'll likely borrow/steal in the near future.

Anonymous,  Tuesday, May 19, 2009 11:26:00 AM  

I was SO intently reading your post that when I tried to drink water from my bottle it splashed up and went UP my nose. But yet I did not take my eyes off your post. That's bloggy-devotion for ya. ;-)

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, May 20, 2009 9:59:00 AM  

KekeLynn: Thankfully one is coming up that is just that. ;-)

K: By all means!!

April: That is truly some dedication! Please don't drown on account of my blog though! Nothing I say here is *that* important. ;-)

Nichole M Saturday, May 23, 2009 9:19:00 PM  

Thank you for referring to the Angels by the *correct* name. Not the name designed to generate more south-of-the-border sales of merchandise. grrrrrr

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, May 26, 2009 10:15:00 AM  

Nichole: Always do! Even when I abbreviate, it's always ANA & not LAA. ;-)

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