Saturday, January 21, 2006

ollie-ollie-oxen fr...oops i got tagged =P

Andie got me!

The rules for this particular tagging are as follows: Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.


Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to.

Sue (kolkamtay)

Here are the questions.

What were you doing 10 years ago?

oh jeez...i was 19. i was in college with a 24-credit class load, working full time, doing my field work for school, had been in a relationship for about a year-and-a-half (though we had broken up & just gotten back together the recently passed Christmas night)...and i dunno, just being 19!

What were you doing 1 year ago?

ummmmm...working. that's about it. the house wasn't even a vague notion yet, can you believe that?!

Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal):

1. Sundried Tomato & Basil Wheat Thins
2. ice cream/frozen yogurt/sherbet
3. chocolate chip cookies
4. Pringles
5. donuts

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics:

1. "My Immortal" by Evanescence
2. "Kind & Generous" by Natalie Merchant
3. "Old Blue Chair" by Kenny Chesney
4. "O Little Town of Bethlehem" (yes, the Christmas carol & there are 4 verses to it)
5. "When I Get Where I'm Going" by Brad Paisley

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire:

1. have no more debt at all
2. set up a trust fund for Baby Girl
3. make sure that my favorite girlies could come to FL any time they wanted
4. NOT quit my job--i *love* it there
5. make anonymous donations--to charities, to my family, to my friends, to anyone i felt like

Five bad habits:

1. procrastination
2. saying "i'm sorry" even when i didn't do anything to warrant an apology
3. not cutting myself some slack when i have no problem doing so for others
4. intending to scrapbook...and then getting distracted
5. not shutting up on my blog LOL!

Five things you like doing:

1. taking photos
2. playing on my blog
3. going to Disney World
4. watching football
5. going out to eat

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again:

1. get my ears pierced--once hurt bad enough (yes i know i am a wimp lol)
2. a Mitsubishi
3. a membership with Columbia House
4. a non-digital camera
5. high-waisted pants

Five favorite toys:

1. my camera (well right now "my" camera is really Andie's camera that she is so generously sharing with me till i can get a new one)
2. my computer
3. my blog
4. my puppy =)
5. my Disney pass

First time you got kissed: How was it?
shocking. i was totally caught off guard & not expecting it.

First time you drove a car: What kind of car?
it was my mother's 5-speed Chevy Nova. i still can't drive stick.

First time you scrapbooked: When you look at your page do you love it?
it was of my baby brother when he was born...and i like it just because it's photos of him & i am reminded of how much i have learned since then

First time you went on a date: Where did you go and with who?
it was with Michael but actually 2 years before we ever really dated (seriously!) & we went to see the movie "Far & Away"

First time you fell in love: How did you know?
i knew because it was the first time i wasn't asking myself if maybe i was in love. i just *knew* that i was without a doubt.

First time you cooked for someone: Was it yummy? What did you make?
the first meal i truly cooked all on my own? i think it was chicken parmesan when i was still living at home with my dad & my brother Josh & as far as i know it was good. they ate it. chicken parm is the one meal i have never ever messed up. for some reason it has always come out perfectly for me.

First time you got on a plane: Where did you go? Were you scared?
it was in 1992 for the LCMS Youth Gathering in New Orleans. i wasn't scared of flying, just a little nervous, not knowing what to expect. but i was & still am a little scared of turbulance.

First time you shaved your legs: Did you cut yourself?
i have no flipping idea! that was something along the lines of 17 or 18 years ago! i can't even remember if i cut myself the *last* time i shaved my legs & that was about 36 hours ago! LOL

First time you put on make up: Looking back how did you do? Did you look good or like a clown?
i think i was a freshman in high school & i have never worn a crapload of make up so it's hard to look like a clown. i've always been drawn to more subtle make up colors.

First time you moved out of your home: Was it an apartment, house, etc?
i moved into Angela's apartment with her when i was 23 i think because she needed a roommate...

5 with their own thoughts:

k Saturday, January 21, 2006 12:57:00 PM  

Love the list and I SO hear ya' on the high waisted jeans - did we put up w/them for so long?

I guess ya' can't tag me anymore huh? :-(

Michelle W. Saturday, January 21, 2006 1:51:00 PM  

ok now, was that my name that got tagged? If it is I'm going to do it later when I come home from lss with lots of coffee. lol.


Apostle John Saturday, January 21, 2006 3:24:00 PM  

Great list.

I remember my first kiss with my future wife. I thought, "What a horrible kisser."

I never told her that (and you'd better not tell :)

As far as I can remember over the past 30 years of marriage and however long we dated before hand, that was the only lousy kiss I recall. It was just one of those flukes.

Maybe she was also caught off guard. :)

Anonymous,  Saturday, January 21, 2006 6:23:00 PM  

fun!! i posted mine!

Anonymous,  Saturday, January 21, 2006 11:49:00 PM  

I tagged you for this challenge before I visited your site and got updated... but you already did it! So nevermind.

Okay, the similarities just keep on coming. Yeah... I listed My Immortal and a Christmas carol with a million verses. I procrastinate. Wheat Thins as a snack... Is it me, or is this getting kinda weird? ;-)

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