Thursday, January 26, 2006

didn't you need to know this?!

borrowed from my buddy Krystyn before she de-blogged. miss ya girlie! =(

1. How old do you feel?
ummm...29 i guess. i don't know. i'm just glad to be done with the teen years.

2. What do you believe is the meaning of life?
i know something you don't know! i know something you don't know! *mischevious smirk* (remember question 1 asked how old i *feel*, NOT how old i *act*! LOL)

3. Why is the sky blue?
ties into the meaning of life & i am not at liberty to disclose such information at this time.

4. What is your favorite thing to cook?
ravioli with tomato sauce & garlic bread. it's the one thing i make that the whole meal comes together all at the same time. (how did my Gram manage to accomplish that feat with every single 12-course meal she made anyway?!)

5. What would your last meal be?
a nice big cheeseburger with lettuce & tomato and a side of fries

6. What is the youngest age you have memories of?
i was 3 turning 4. 1st day of nursery school. Matt Wentland was crying as the teacher was sitting us on the brown line & i was sitting next to him wondering what the heck he was so sad about. oh yeah & the Big Bird cutout in the bathroom at school too.

7. What is your favorite thing in the world?
loving someone

8. What living person would you want to meet?
Brett Favre

9. What dead person would you want to meet?
Walt Disney

10. Where in the world would you like to live?

11. Who has the most influence on you?
i do. and i like it that way. =)

12. What is your favorite dessert?
cafe latte cheesecake from Macaroni Grille

13. Can you make cookies from scratch?
sure can. sugar. chocolate chip. gingerbread. oatmeal raisin. those peanut butter ones with the Hershey Kiss on top.

14. Would you rather be single forever with a great family or be with your soul mate and have no family?
as much as i love my family with all my heart & they are most certainly great, i would have to say that i would choose to be with my soulmate because there comes a time in life when you have to spread your wings & fly...and make a life of your own.

15. What is your favorite scented candle?
Vanilla or something apple-cinnamon-y

16. Have you ever read the Bible?
quite a bit of it over the course of my life. not cover to cover though & i am sure there are parts that i haven't read yet.

17. Who do you dislike most in the world?
those with a cruel or dishonest heart

18. What is your ideal date?
just being together & seeing where the date takes you...dinner...a walk...dessert...who knows? let the event be the guide.

19. What color do you feel represents you?
a deep rich red: warm. comforting. vibrant. classic.

20. Would you rather be honest and poor, or a liar and rich?
honesty. hands down.

21. What is your ideal ice cream creation?
i don't create with my ice cream. i just eat it. and it's allllll good. ;-)

22. What is your favorite thing to do?
football season: watch the Patriots win. off football season: wander around some area of Disney World with my camera.

23. What is your favorite junk food?
chips & dip

24. What is the longest you've gone without talking to anyone?
**6 years without talking to my mother, another 3 after that till i saw her, since been resolved
**9 years (i think?) where i lost touch with my friend Chele
**7 years (i think?) where i lost touch with my friend Heather
**3 years & counting since i last spoke to someone who used to be one of my best friends

25. What is your favorite board game?
Monopoly. or Scattegories.

26. What is your favorite book?
"Phantom" by Susan Kay--it's kind of the life story of The Phantom of the Opera

27. What item could you not go without during the day?
excluding those necessary for survival, my computer/internet connection

28. Do you consider yourself smart?
yes...not brilliance of genius propotions but definitely smart. sometimes more like smartASS lol.

29. How old were you when life was the hardest?
well i've gone through many times when i thought it was the hardest but i would have when i was 26-27. or to pinpoint it to a year: 2004.

30. Is there anything you have to do every day?
(again i will assume this is barring the obvious things like eat, drink, use the bathroom...)i HAVE to shower everyday even if it's right before i crawl into bed. and i LIKE to be able to check my email at will. ;-)

31. Do you curse in front of family?
nothing stronger than "damn" or "hell". although i could probably say "ass" in front of my brother at this point lol...

32. If you had to get back with an ex who would it be?
ummmmm...can we just not go here...?

33. When was the last time you felt truly loved by someone?
right now =)

34. What character trait would you change about yourself?
my need to not disappoint anyone ever

35. Which of your five senses would you give up?
i'm kind of fond of them all...i hate tempting fate with these kinds of questions. i think i will just be grateful to have them. there's so many things i would miss if i gave up any one of them.

36. What do you do when the power goes out?
light candles. go stir crazy without the tv/phone/computer. walk the dog. go out in search of someplace WITH electricity.

37. Would you rather spend the night out or in?
i have fun going out, but i am perfectly content to stay in--i am a major homebody. =)

5 with their own thoughts:

Michelle W. Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:43:00 PM  

Favre again! lol. You are not a crazy fan now are ya.

I agree with a lot of them, very scary...


k Thursday, January 26, 2006 5:10:00 PM  

You got that from me? I don't remember ever doing this questionnaire....BTW, I started a new blog...

sue @ postcards from paradise falls Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:50:00 PM  

mmm... brett favre.

and exes are exes for a reason!!!

Amy Thursday, January 26, 2006 10:50:00 PM  

I've looked at the Phantom book before, I'll have to get it. On a totally unrelated note, would you mind emailing me info on how one would get from Orlando airport to Port Canaveral to board a cruise ship? I'm planning a little trip and you're the only person I "know" in the area. Thanks for the help! My addy is

Anonymous,  Monday, April 03, 2006 11:07:00 PM a fit of narcissism i googled myself and found a reference to a matt wentland (me). different one or nursery school in upstate new york? don't remember the big bird.....



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