Friday, March 27, 2015

Oh Hey Friday!: March 27, 2015

It's Oh Hey Friday! time, hosted by September FARM. The idea is that you talk about five things -- any five things, themed or random -- and away we go!

The "I Need" Edition!

...a lip color and formula that will work on someone who has almost never worn a lip color and doesn't want it to be glaringly obvious. An easing-in, if you will. Someone being me. I always play up my eyes, because they get lost behind my glasses, otherwise, and I like my eyes. But I'd also like to change things up sometimes, ya know?

...some new snack ideas that will travel well to work. I tend to be a grazer. I have breakfast when I arrive at my desk, followed by a mid-morning snack. Then lunch at noon (almost always leftovers from dinner). And then a 2pm snack to get me through til dinner. I've been eating the same snacks forever, I'm a little bored, but I just keep getting the same stuff. I need ideas.

...some casual pants that aren't jeans. Don't get me wrong, I love my comfy jeans. But it gets *hot* here in the summer (have you heard?) and Florida summers are six months long (at least). However, a/c running everywhere one goes means that, as meltingly warm as it is outside, the indoor environments demand more coverage. I have one pair of lightweight casual pants, but everywhere I look, it's either dress pants or yoga pants. Isn't there anything in the middle?

FOUR| (and maybe a necklace? for real, I am accessories-challenged) to go with this dress. Preferably not in black. I want some color. But I lack the confidence to know *which* color.

FIVE| to decorate a longish, narrow hallway (by hanging stuff on the walls, I mean, because obviously) without feeling like the walls are closing in on you. There's just all this empty space and it's looked like this for almost two years now (that's when we T repainted the walls and trim, and swapped out the original 1980s doors) and I just have no clue.

Feel free to offer suggestions, because seriously. HELP.

13 with their own thoughts:

k Monday, March 30, 2015 2:07:00 PM  

Sorry I'm no help on your accessories or home decor...but did want to comment so you'll have the addy to my blog...had to change in recently...

~**Dawn**~ Monday, March 30, 2015 2:14:00 PM  

Duly updated. Thanks, Krystyn! =)

gail@more than a song Wednesday, April 01, 2015 7:26:00 PM  

With your dress, I think neutral/beige/nude heels or strappy sandals for shoes and gold jewelry. Or maybe heels with some gold or metallic shine to them? Are you wanting color for a necklace, something coral and gold maybe? If you do a statement type necklace keep your earrings very simple. If you're wanting color for shoes I'm not sure! Because the neutral is what first came to my mind; you might can try some different things on with it. It's hard to tell in this picture, does it hit right at your knee or slightly above? Maybe get it hemmed to your knee? Then you'll have a nice long line with more leg showing!

~**Dawn**~ Thursday, April 02, 2015 10:53:00 AM  

Gail, it is just below my knee, but it's lace over an attached "sheath" -- like two separate layers but still attached? Does that make sense? And the sheath is knee length with the lace layer just a bit longer. Anyway, I don't know that they can shorten the dress with the lace layer like that... Gold looks *really* bad against my skin tone (I probably should have mentioned that), so I am definitely thinking some color in a necklace. I will have to investigate some in coral! I am at such a loss with shoes. No nudes are the right shade to go with this dress; they're all just enough different that they look strange to me. Maybe I need to think along the lines of a strappy bronze metallic? Silver looks weird to me with the taupe and I mentioned the gold issue. ARG. None of the ad photos of this dress showed shoes!! Except black. And it's potentially going to be worn for a June wedding. I was hoping for some color to brighten it up.

gail@more than a song Thursday, April 02, 2015 12:17:00 PM  

Yes that makes sense about the two layers so probably would be hard to alter. I think you're right about the silver not being right so maybe you can find a strappy metallic something! I always like it when they show pictures that include shoes and accessories, that helps! I think you're right about not going with black for a June wedding. It's frustrating when it's not easy to figure out!

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane Saturday, April 04, 2015 2:38:00 PM  

I'm afraid we're very much alike, being fellow Libra babies, but here's a couple of thoughts. I am not overly girly when it comes to fashion, accessories, makeup, shoes, etc. Heaven help me. Gail is good with helping me with that. I like the idea of jewelry that pops, the dress is beautiful on you but might need a splash of something. I like the idea of metallic shoes, maybe a bronze-y one would work with the coral or even teal/turquoise jewelry??

For makeup, I have been using some stuff by Almay recently, you pick your eye color and skin tone and then go from there. That helps "break it down" for me. I recently tried a lip shade like that, picked my skin tone then the color palette I wanted (in my case, I picked berry, I think there were berry, pink, red and another shade). Try and see, I found my stuff at Target.

For snacks, I think you and I eat a lot of the same stuff, nuts, yogurt, etc. Probably no new ideas there. My main idea of a snack is rewarding myself with a piece of chocolate :)

For casual pants, I tend to be boring and do khakis or black pants with a white/light top (so hot here all summer too). No help there.

And we have two long hallways in the new house. In one, we put up some canvases that we found at Kirklands and for the other, Tim wants me to get canvases or prints made from photos I've taken of places we've visited, and get them on the walls (canvases, plain, or the photos framed). That's on my to-do list, but its likely to take upwards of 2-3 years, LOL! :)

Abby Monday, April 06, 2015 6:12:00 AM  

Have you tried roasted chickpeas for a snack, super crunchy!

~**Dawn**~ Monday, April 06, 2015 8:56:00 AM  

Gail: I found a shoe I'm going to try (ordered it through the Zappos site). They call the color "mushroom metallic." It looks kind of bronze-ish in the picture. We'll see. ::fingers crossed::

~**Dawn**~ Monday, April 06, 2015 8:59:00 AM  

Stacy: I am going to check out that makeup next time I'm at Target! Are your hallways fairly standard sized (as opposed to wider, I mean)? I'm so afraid hanging stuff on the walls will make them feel like they are closing in. (I don't know why I am acting like I can't take it down if I don't like the way it feels with stuff hung there. LOL! I guess I am just trying to avoid putting holes in the wall that end up creating more work for T to patch and paint simply because I changed my mind.)

~**Dawn**~ Monday, April 06, 2015 9:00:00 AM  

Abby: I haven't! Do you roast your own or buy them ready to eat?

Stacy at Exceedingly Mundane Monday, April 06, 2015 2:49:00 PM  

Our halls are standard sized, I guess. OK, I just got a tape measure and measured them at the baseboards, they are 43" across, both of them. Not sure if that is standard! And I totally understand, I hesitate on hanging stuff places, thinking I won't like it there and then it will be aggravating for the handy man to take it down and hang it somewhere else. Same thing with the patching of walls. We do have some canvases in the garage hallway. The other hall will take a while, I have to find pictures, get them printed, etc. More decisions!

Oh, and to piggy-bake, I have roasted chick peas before and they are good! Just google it or try whatever you like, I used olive oil, a dash of cayenne and some sea salt. I bought a bag of roasted edamame at TJ Maxx recently but haven't opened them. They *look* yummy, LOL!!

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, April 07, 2015 1:19:00 PM  

I am totally going to measure the hallway width now and see what mine are. And I want to know if you hang stuff in yours and whether or not it feels cramped visually! ;-)

gail@more than a song Tuesday, April 07, 2015 1:41:00 PM  

Stacy's hall is a little wider than normal or standard I think! At least it feels like it to me. I see she said hers are 43" across at the baseboard; my back hall is 39" across. Hers does not feel cramped to me, she has windows on the opposite side to where her canvas prints hang so it feels light and open to me. I wish mine were wider across!
Hope the shoes work! You'll have to show us a picture of what you decide on. :)

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