Tuesday, December 16, 2008

One-Word Sarcomical Sunday: December 16, 2008

yes, i know. it's not Sunday. it's also a month late. deal. ;-)

hosted by Sarcomical.

One-Word Sarcomical Sunday #18:
How You Live Edition

1. What wakes you: myself
2. Your initial look in the mirror reveals: Kramer
3. You usually first put on: lotion
4. Your closet: semi-organized
5. Your mood before 11am: mellow
6. The first thing you look at online after email: Twitter
7. Something you tend to snack on: crackers
8. What you see out your front door: apartments
9. Your takeout menus: nope
10. Number of boxes of tissue out in your home right now: two
11. The way you sneeze would read: ahCHOOO!
12. Number of times a day you probably brush your hair: zero
13. The most predominant thing in your pantry: water
14. A smell commonly coming from your kitchen: cookies
15. How you sort your books: size
16. The way you keep your place in a book: ducky
17. Something you hide when people come over: clutter
18. Number of people normally at your table during dinner: table-less
19. Something you put on your nightstand before bed: glasses
20. How high you pull the covers when you go to sleep: chest

2 with their own thoughts:

Nichole M Tuesday, December 16, 2008 7:55:00 PM  

You still have the ducky!!! :-D

JMP Tuesday, December 16, 2008 10:58:00 PM  

ok..on #2....KRAMER??!?!?!? Have I got a vision in my head now!

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