Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday: January 26, 2016

Tuesday seems like a good time to push through the post-weekend blahs and focus on something positive. Like the top ten best parts of my last week. 

ONE| We've had this wonderfully brisk weather (which about half of Floridians embrace and the other half lament). We don't turn on our heat, which means it's been perfect for snuggling up on the couch under a mountain of blankets with my favorite guy. We're pretty much nothing but a heap of plush in various colors and two pairs of eyeballs.

TWO| Having a text conversation with a friend who's pregnant and actually hearing her glow just through the words on my tiny phone screen. You know those people who are such a rare gift to this world that you feel lucky just for knowing them? The sort of people who deserve nothing but the very best life has to offer? And then when they get it, your heart near to bursts, because their joy brings *you* so much happiness? That's the kind of person we're talking about here. 

THREE| I take great joy in sending my friends happy mail. Who doesn't like an unexpected treat to arrive with their name on it? I found the perfect little something for a sweet friend and then danced around with glee all week, waiting for it to arrive on her doorstep.

FOUR| On Saturday, I spent the day with friends at WDW. We laughed. Like, a lot. At points, the gasping sort of laughter that leaves you hunched over, clutching your stomach, and unable to properly inhale air. At one point, we stopped for some people watching and beverages at Mizner's Lounge in the Grand Floridian. We scored ourselves a little table and proceeded to chat and laugh over who knows what. A sweet older gentleman approached our table, just to tell us how much he and his wife were enjoying our interaction. I believe in laughter. It has magical powers.

FIVE| I renewed my WDW Annual Pass. Nothing like guaranteeing yourself another year of your happy place.

SIX| So, I'm minding my business on Sunday, doing my weekly Target shopping. I round a corner and come face to face with Justin Verlander. (For those of you who just went 'huh?' He's a professional baseball player for the Detroit Tigers.) I did one of those tires-squealing double takes, so violent that I felt like I tweaked my neck. He's clearly in the area, since this is where his team spring trains. (I guess I can't 100% verify it was him, since he was in street clothes, and I afforded the man the privacy to do his Target shopping unaccosted, but unless he has an identical twin, I'd bet money that was him.) Anyway, that made me happy, because it means baseball is coming.

SEVEN| I mentioned the weather. My favorite time to walk in the evenings is when the air is chilly. It's refreshing and invigorating. It makes my cheeks feel rosy and puts some pep in my step, after the eternal oppression of humidity that leaves me sluggish. I just walk along, face to the wind, grinning. (I'm pretty sure my husband thinks he married a lunatic at that point. Oh well, he stuck with me now.)

EIGHT| I stumbled upon a bunch of friendship quotes. I've been reading them a few at a time, savoring them. I'm about halfway through. My favorite, so far, is "Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It’s not something you learn in school. But if you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven’t learned anything." (Muhammad Ali)

NINE| Someone I follow on Twitter posted this picture. It's become my new go-to and it's the best response to so many things. It's even better than an emoji, because it's a *dog*. And I can't stop laughing. 

TEN| A good book, a soft blanket, a lighted candle, and a square of Ghirardelli chocolate.

4 with their own thoughts:

k Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:39:00 AM  

OK - I got to #6 and had to comment...couldn't even read the rest (but I'll go back and read them) JUSTIN VERLANDER?!?!?!! And you didn't say anything? I don't know if I could have done that...even though I feel pretty out of touch with my Tigers, seeing him would have left me starstruck!! Oh I am SOOOO jealous!!! And he's sooooooooooo easy on the eyes!!! ANd it's official, I will continue to live vicariously through you: live in FL, go to WDW ALL THE TIME and now Justin sightings...dang my life stinks in comparison to that!! :)

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, January 27, 2016 8:48:00 AM  

KRYSTYN!! I both tweeted it and put it on Facebook! LOL!! I suppose I could have sent you a text. ;-) I keep telling you: there are houses for sale IN MY NEIGHBORHOOD. This, too, could be your life. =D And yeah, he's not hard on the eyes at all. And judging by the contents of his cart, he also cooks. You know I am a Red Sox girl all the way, but he's been on my list of favorite non-Sox players for ages now, plus with the Lakeland connection, they're the team I like to see do well...as long as they're not playing my boys, of course.

penuttpie Friday, February 05, 2016 8:33:00 PM  

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Your friendship means SO much to me! Truly. I hate that you're so far away, but I love that you are still involved. I can't wait for you to one day meet our little lady :)

ps. That puppy photo? Ya, I've downloaded it and I've sent it many times already. I mean, how can you not??

~**Dawn**~ Sunday, February 07, 2016 6:46:00 PM  

G: I can't wait to meet her either!

I think you should keep it handy for classroom use. ;-)

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