Tuesday, July 7, 2009

i've come to realize...

borrowed from UKOK

1. I’ve come to realize that my chest-size. . .comes with the added benefit of being slightly less susceptible to the unforgiving effects of gravity.

2. I’ve come to realize that my job. . .is going to have ups & downs, good days & bad, pros & cons, but when they all balance out (as inevitably they do) i've got it pretty darn good.

3. I’ve come to realize that when I’m driving. . .i really don't trust the vehicles around me, because people are far too often focused on multitasking and not paying attention to their actual, you know, *driving*.

4. I’ve come to realize that I need. . .balance, and quiet time to recharge in order to achieve it.

5. I’ve come that realize that I have lost. . .very few things of real value and what remains are only the people whose earthly lives have reached their end, so even they are not *truly* lost to me.

6. I’ve come to realize that I hate it when. . .i am belittled, not taken seriously or spoken to in a condescending manner.

7. I’ve come to realize that if I’m drunk. . .pigs must be flying; i prefer just a slight buzz, at most, thankyouverymuch.

8. I’ve come to realize that money. . .is a tool to be managed and shouldn't be permitted to manage you.

9. I’ve come to realize that certain people. . .thrive on drama and i will never be able to comprehend that.

10. I’ve come to realize that I’ll always. . .be a generally quiet person and that's ok.

11. I’ve come to realize that my sibling(s). . .lead lives that i can't possibly imagine, given the distance between us.

12. I’ve come to realize that my mom. . .and i will never have a traditional mother-daughter relationship and it's better to just focus on what we do have.

13. I’ve come to realize that my cell phone. . .occasionally annoys the living hell out of me.

14. I’ve come to realize that when I woke up this morning. . .i am one day closer to a very busy & exciting weekend.

15. I’ve come to realize that last night before I went to sleep. . .i was completely content and i never take that for granted.

16. I’ve come to realize that right now I am thinking. . .someone needs to kill this wasp that's flying around in here.

17. I’ve come to realize that my dad. . .really stepped up and was a hands-on father long before it was the "fashionable" thing to do.

18. I’ve come to realize that when I get on Facebook. . .i'm likely to find any number of shocking blasts from the past.

19. I’ve come to realize that today. . .will be what i make of it.

20. I’ve come to realize that tonight. . .is going to be like every other night and, creature of habit that i am, i *love* that.

21. I’ve come to realize that tomorrow. . .is a gift if it arrives.

22. I’ve come to realize that I really want to. . .spend a week at home doing a whole lot of nothing.

23. I’ve come to realize that the person mostly likely to repost this is. . .always a surprise.

24. I’ve come to realize that life. . .is series of unexpected twists & turns but how you react to them is what matters.

25. I’ve come to realize that this weekend. . .i'm going to be celebrating the love of two friends and i am honored that they have included me in their special day.

26. I’ve realized the best music to listen to when I am upset. . .reflects my thoughts & feelings in its lyrics.

27. I’ve come to realize that my friends. . .are an eclectic bunch but they each bring out something slightly different in me and i cherish each & every one of them.

28. I’ve come to realize that this year. . .has been a very good year for me.

29. I’ve come to realize that my exes. . .are part of my personal history but they can stay there in my past and have no effect on my life moving forward.

30. I’ve come to realize that maybe I should. . .remember to listen carefully to my gut; it's always proved very wise.

31. I’ve come to realize that I love. . .sitting back & taking in the scene.

32. I’ve come to realize that I don’t understand. . .why people need to disparage their efforts, speak so poorly of themselves and not use their small accomplishments as steps to reach their personal goals, rather than beating themselves up for not accomplishing every goal immediately.

33. I’ve come to realize my past. . .only affects me if & how i allow it to.

34. I’ve come to realize that parties. . .are much more fun for me if i have a partner in crime.

35. I’ve come to realize that I’m totally terrified. . .of being a disappointment to someone that i love.

36. I’ve come to realize that my life. . .is filled with more blessings than i could possibly deserve but for which i am eternally grateful.

7 with their own thoughts:

k Tuesday, July 07, 2009 3:48:00 PM  

VERY good post. That would be a challenge to complete too -at least for me.

~**Dawn**~ Tuesday, July 07, 2009 5:24:00 PM  

Momma Moe: Thanks!

K: It took me a while to complete it but I'm glad I did!

Ted D Tuesday, July 07, 2009 8:05:00 PM  

I love #20, Dawn. And I'm right there with you.

Carrie Tuesday, July 07, 2009 11:29:00 PM  

Wow, this was really neat. Thinking and realizing...the good stuff. :)
Your banner...probably my favorite so far!

Unknown Wednesday, July 08, 2009 7:36:00 AM  

I've have come to realize... That I and many other people really enjoy reading your blog.

Keep up the good work Dawn!

~**Dawn**~ Wednesday, July 08, 2009 3:15:00 PM  

Ted: Routine is sacred!

Carrie: It was challenging but I enjoyed it. Took my time & really *thought* about my answers. Thank you!! I wanted something patriotic for July but still unique. Location: America Pavilion, Epcot. Two members of the Spirit of America Fife & Drum Corps.

Marc: Awww. Shucks. ::looks humble::

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